
Glenn Bogart Compliance

Title IV compliance assistance and administrative litigation since 1992

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Top 10 Things Owners Must Not Do

1. Don't buy a school without having expert due diligence done. Otherwise, you could end up buying a lot of liabilities that will bite you later - and your nice new school might end up being terminated.

2. Don't hire someone with no Title IV experience to run your financial aid operation.

3. Don't just hope for the best. Review what your key people are doing.

4. Don't let the academic dean make changes to the catalog without running it by the FA director and without examining them yourself. (Many things in academics can affect financial aid.)

5. Don't open a branch campus in a new state without knowing the state's regulations.

6. Don't delay paying refunds. Find a way.

7. Don't let your admissions reps recruit at unemployment offices or homeless shelters. It may violate your accreditation rules, it's generally not profitable, it increases your drop rates and default rates, and it's tacky.

8. Don't do anything simply because that's the way you've always done it. Review everything stem to stern at least once a year.

9. Don't fudge on your 90-10 accounting unless you are prepared to go to prison.

10. Don't offer to find a "date" for your ED program reviewer.


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